The Good
1. Beans are high in fiber and protein! Not everyone enjoys a big hunk of meat at the dinner table. Some people prefer to get their protein from beans and other sources. For these individuals, beans are a great way to get the protein they need and because beans are also a great source of fiber, they are quite filling.
2. Beans provide a steady source of glucose, which is great for energy. Fructose (the sugar found in fruit, agave nectar, and corn syrup) in high amounts has been linked to gaining belly fat, increased risk of heart disease, and higher LDL levels. Table sugar is even worse because it contains both glucose and fructose. It's best to keep any fruit intake in moderation and try to avoid fruit after 4pm.
3. Beans have been reported to reduce the risk of colan cancer. If this is true, then beans do serve a purpose as part of our diets. Colan cancer is serious and any help in preventing it is worth looking into more.
4. Beans provide an impressive amount of vitamins and minerals. They are not void of nutritional value.
The Bad
1. Beans are high in starch and carbohydrates. Consuming too many beans can restrict weight loss. Individuals trying to lose weight should cut back on their intake of legumes or drop them all together.
2. Beans are difficult to digest. Beans that are not properly prepared before cooking can cause severe digestive issues. Before they are okay for consumption they must be soaked, drained, boiled, drained again, and then slow cooked. Even in doing these things, you're pretty much guaranteed to have a belly full of gas and a sudden drop in your friends. Let the farting begin!
3. Beans contain estrogen mimics which can be bad for your health. Beans contain phytoestrogens, otherwise known as weak estrogen mimics which interfere with hormone function. Male infants and toddlers are especially vulnerable to the negative effects of a high bean diet. Causing them to be flabby, high strung, lethargic and sometimes embarrassed by breasts and underdeveloped genitalia. Whatever you do, don't feed your children Soy formula.
4. Beans can upset auto-immune diseases. All legumes contain leptin. Some leptins have been linked to things such as: Type 2 diabetes, allergies, peptic ulcers, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and Crohn's disease to name just a few.
5. Beans can make your brain smaller. Here's something to wrap your brain around. A side effect of frequently eating soybean is brain shrinkage.
The Verdict
After hearing both sides and weighing the good against the bad, I am choosing to completely remove legumes from my diet. Although both sides had really valid arguments. I feel that I can get my fiber, carbohydrates and protein from other foods such as meats, green veggies, nuts and seeds. Not to mention, I won't have to walk around with a can of Airwick trying to disguise the smell surounding me like a cloud of smoke. I'll stick to having a lean waistline and large brain. However, I will miss those New Orleans cajun redbeans.
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