When it comes to losing weight, diet and exercise take commitment. It can be a real pain trying to juggle everyday life and keep yourself on track with your eating and fitness routine. You've got a job and family that demand your time and attention. You don't always have time to think ahead with your meals, so you give in to what your family wants and order a pizza instead of taking the time to do what you promised yourself you would do. That's when the pounds start piling on instead of falling off and frustration sets in.
Put Yourself First
If you are serious about dropping pounds and changing your life then no one or nothing should stand in your way. You wouldn't break a promise to a friend or family member, so why would you break a promise to yourself. You have an obligation to yourself to meet your fitness goals. If you want to lose ten pounds before your best friends wedding, then make it happen! If your goal is to run a marathon, do it! Nothing can get in your way if you commit to what you are trying to accomplish. No one is saying it's going to be easy but if you set your mind to it, you might just surprise yourself.
I once read a quote that said, "If you really want to do something, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse." Nothing could be closer to the truth when it comes to getting healthy and shrinking your waist. You have to want it! Otherwise, what's the point?
Pat Yourself on the Back
Often times we get caught up in the stresses of life and we tend to forget about the big picture. You are choosing to lose weight because you're worth it and you deserve it. You are entitled to take your life back! Don't get discouraged. Give yourself a pat on the back and push forward.

When things get tough and you just can't get motivated, it's sometimes helpful to have a mantra to repeat to yourself to get you up and moving. "I deserve to reach my fitness goals.", "I deserve to be healthy." "I deserve happiness." "I deserve to be appreciated." These are a few examples of mantras that I have used while on long runs or during strenuous workouts to get me past those walls that I sometimes hit. The same technique can be used when choosing foods to eat. "I owe it to my body to skip the fried seafood platter with greasy fries and choose grilled seafood with steamed veggies instead." You get the idea. Stay strong.
Gather the Troops

Your family may not be on board with what you are trying to do. It's up to you to let them know that this is something that is very important to you and stick to your guns. Let them know that you will set one day a week aside for a "cheat day" in order to allow for a family night. Get them involved in physical activities as well. Go for a bike ride, or hike a local nature trail. There are endless things that you can do to keep them involved. Talk to your spouse and explain to them that you need their support in order to continue on your journey. Express to them how important they are in your success and remind them how hot you'll look in your swimsuit this year. Once you have your family on board, you can instill in them the importance of good health. They'll soon see that eating clean doesn't mean tasteless food and they'll have something to be excited about when "cheat day" rolls around.
Set Short Term Goals that Lead to the Big Picture

You only get one body and you need it to carry you around this great big place we call earth. When thinking about your health, you should be thinking long-term. However, the key to long-term health is short-term goals. The fifteen pounds you need to lose for that upcoming class reunion is a great goal to strive for, but why stop there. You could lose ten more pounds after the reunion if you keep going on your diet and push yourself at the gym. There will be other events that you'll be attending that I'm sure you'll want to look great for as well. Make these events your next goal. Maybe it's an upcoming race. Train for it! You'll lose weight and gain endurance. Who coundn't benefit from that? Over time, your diet will become more of a lifestyle and your fitness routine will be as common as brushing your teeth. You'll notice your stress levels drop and energy levels soar. You'll have your life back!
The only way of
finding the limits of the possible is by going beyond them into the
Arthur C. Clarke
We are what we
repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.
Fortune favors
the brave.
Publius Terence
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