I surfed the web for the next several days and found enough information to get me started. I discovered really quickly what not to eat - no grains, no dairy, no legumes, no sugar or processed foods. In other words, no fun. That's what I thought at first but in the past 20 days my outlook on the Paleo lifestyle has changed completely and so has my mid-section. I've dropped ten pounds and shrunk two inches in my waistline and I haven't felt hungry at all, unlike the other diets I've tried in the past. I have four days left of my 24 day challenge and I have decided to extend the journey for an entire year. I have also decided to drag my better half along with me for the ride and anyone else who wants to follow us along our path to great health and fitness.

The Paleo diet comes from the eating habits of our hunter-gatherer ancestors - leans meats, seafood, vegetables, fruits, and nuts/seeds. It's the healthiest diet in the world and it is grounded by the belief and understanding that the best diet is the one in which we are genetically adapted. It is backed by documented scientific evidence and by real-life achievements in weight loss by everyday people. I have experienced the results first hand. In doing my research, I found that the best description I got of the Paleo diet came from The Whole9 Nutrition Elevator Pitch at whole9life.com. Here's how it goes.
The Whole9 Nutrition Elevator Pitch
I eat “real” food – fresh, natural food like meat, vegetables and fruit. I choose foods that are nutrient dense, with lots of naturally-occurring vitamins and minerals, over foods that have more calories but less nutrition. And food quality is important – I’m careful about where my meat comes from, and buy produce locally and organically as often as possible.
It’s not a low calorie “diet” – I eat as much as I need to maintain strength, energy and a healthy weight. In fact, my diet is probably much higher in fat than you’d imagine. Fat isn’t the enemy – it’s a great energy source when it comes from high quality foods like avocado, coconut and nuts. And I’m not trying to do a “low carb” thing, but since I’m eating vegetables and fruits instead of bread, cereal and pasta, it just happens to work out that way.
Eating like this is good for maintaining a healthy metabolism, and reducing inflammation within the body. It’s been doing great things for my energy levels, body composition and performance in the gym. It also helps to minimize my risk for a whole host of lifestyle diseases and conditions, like diabetes, heart attack and stroke.
I couldn't have said it better myself!

I'm choosing to go Paleo for a year to show not only myself, but everyone, that there are ways of preventing illnesses like obesity, diabetes, cancer, heart disease and stroke through proper diet and exercise. I believe in the Paleo diet because it works! It makes perfect sense. We were designed to eat this way. Not to mention, there are so many delicious foods and creative recipes to choose from on the Paleo diet that it would be a shame to eat any other way. Whether you are an athlete who is trying to improve his/her perfomance or an on-the-go mom/dad just looking to shed a few pounds, anyone can reap the benefits of eating clean and staying healthy. So...In the spirit of my own journey, I challenge everyone to take control of your own health. Give up those late night trips to the drive-thru and pour those soft drinks down the drain. Put down those donuts and trash those Dorito's! Change your diet to Paleo for three weeks, if you don't see results go back to the twinkies and ice-cream. Commit to a cleaner diet and you will start living a fuller life. You ask, "Why should I choose Paleo over other diets?" My response to you is, "Why not?" If that's not good enough, here are a few reasons, in addition to the ones I've already given.

– Increased strength, endurance and performance.
– Sex drive in overdrive.
– Constant and radiant energy.
– Clear and smooth skin.
– Deep and restful sleep.
– Good for mental clarity and positive attitude of the natural.
Nice blog Christopher. I'd like to be fully Paleo, and I think I'm doing pretty good. Except for my addiction to chocolate. It's really the only bad food I eat. But that's like saying I only bump my head against the wall a couple of times a day...it hurts every single time.
ReplyDeleteSince I can't do it cold-turkey, I've decided to use the Harm Reduction model I would use with my clients who were substance abusers. Reduce the amount of drug used, use distraction when one feels the urge, etc...in my case, it would be that chocolate monkey squarely sitting on my back.
Anyway, just wanted to say, good job on the blog, I'll be following.
Thanks for checking things out! I find when I need a really quick chocolate treat that a small glass of dark chocolate almond milk always seems to do the trick. There are also alot of Paleo dessert recipes out there that allow the use of cocoa. In fact I made Paleo chocolate pudding for my Easter gathering today.